Four Rules Of Dog Feeding
Every dog is different and finding exactly what works for your dog is key to a healthy lifestyle for your pet. Rule 1 A dog should be fed by the…
How To Understand Fear Aggression In Dogs
Does this describe your dog: Whenever somebody comes to your door, your dog puts on a big show of barking and acting brave, but all the time he’s backing up.…
What Are The Causes Of Aggressive Dog Behavior?
All dogs can and will show aggression given the right set of circumstances. Aggression for a dog is a natural response and it is critical to understand what circumstances and…
How To Stop Your Dog From Barking
Are you bothered by your dog’s constant barking? Learning to control your dog’s barking is challenging, regardless of the breed you own. Different breeds have different reasons for starting to…
How To Teach Your Puppy Great Tricks
When your puppy has learned some of the basic training needs, you can then teach your puppy great tricks. For example, put the puppy in a Sit-Stay, back off a…