

We're a team of passionate dog lovers and journalists dedicated to bringing you the latest news and information on all things canine. News, training tips and focus on dog breeds in the U.S. and around the world.

New Breed of “Panda Dog” Seen At Chinese Zoo

Panda Dog

At a Chinese zoo, visitors have been arriving in huge numbers to see pandas at the Panda Dog exhibit. But there has been confusion by visitors who have read their tickets. The tickets read “Xiong Mao Quan” which translates to…

Guide To The Most Popular Dog Breeds

woman with black dog

What Breed Is Best For Your Lifestyle? Are you shopping for a new dog? If so, you will be able to choose from over one hundred different breeds. Each breed of dog is unique in their own way. Before you…

How to Train Your Dog to Sit

dog training

Training your dog to sit is one of the most basic skills, and also sets the foundation for many others. Here is exactly what should happen: the moment the guide stops, the dog should sit close to his left side.…

Home Remedies For Animal Bites

Dog apprehension

If you are bitten by any animal, be it a pet or a wild one, you need to take necessary precautions to prevent any form of infection or disease. Home Remedial Measures Thoroughly wash the wound with cold water, once…