dog urinating on teree

Does Your Dog Leak Urine?

Urinary incontinence is a common disorder in older female dogs, as many as 20% of neutered bitches develop it at some point in their lives. The reason is usually urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence (USMI). It can happen to any breed, though Boxers, Dobermanns and Collie breeds are particularly susceptible. Introduction In this article we review…

local dog scratching

Get Rid of Irritating Fleas and Ticks with Frontline

Owners who use FRONTLINE Plus Flea and Tick Treatment control can expect to see results somewhere between 18 to 48 hours after the initial usage of frontline flea control for their dogs. The flea and tick protection of the dog version of frontline flea control will last for approximately four weeks after usage. Both pets…

dog in snow

What You Need to Know About Arthritis in Dogs

Dog arthritis can be caused by injury, congenital defects, or ageing. Surprisingly, injury is a major cause of arthritis in dogs, and therefore affects many younger dogs. Quite minor injuries can result in the condition. A predisposition to conditions such as hip dysplasia can cause early onset of an arthritic condition in dogs. Older dogs…