Bernese Moutain Dog

Get to Know the Gentle Bernese Mountain Dogs (BMD)

While some dogs are just simply observers, pals and farm dogs, Bernese Mountain dogs do them all and more. That’s correct, don’t be deceived by this gentle-looking and tranquil-faced pet. While they can entice you with their long, silky, snow-colored-and-coffee-banded black pelt, they can also defend you, serve you, and be a terrific playmate with you.

Bernese Mountain dogs are such sweet and loving creatures but would you believe that in the earlier part of the 20th century they almost got extinct? What if they never got rescued? If thats so we would’ve never known a cattle herder, milk hauler, farm dog, and family watchdog of the Alps.

What’s more, there would be no BMD today in North America and all over the world. We wouldn’t have experienced the cute black- furred mountain dog, the gentle and fun playmate, and the intelligent and brave companion. Yes, there are other great breeds but the dog breeding world wouldnt be complete without the gentle Bernese Mountain dogs.


The origin of BMD’s breed is not well registered but it is believed to be a cross breed of some mountain dogs in Rome. BMD supposedly came to Switzerland with the Romans and has habited there since. They became reliable mountain dogs in the Alps until the threat of extinction in the 20th century.

Bernese Mountain Dog
Image: Openverse

Some breed enthusiasts, however, discovered how great these dogs are and decided to save them from ignorant owners. They brought and bred the dogs in Berne, Switzerland and it is there that this breed flourished. The dog became Bernese Mountain dog and in 1926, it officially arrived in the U.S.

A Berner is popular among kids and families across North America. While some of this breed still work in farms and herd cattle back in Switzerland, in the U.S. they are adored family pets. These breed have innate affinity with children so they make good playmates and safe companions.

Pure breeds of Bernese Mountain dogs are hard to find and cost much in the U.S. If you have time and money to spare, however, this breed is worth it. With its elegant features and good abilities, you can surely conclude that this dog is worth the price.

Compared to other breeds, we can say that Bernese Mountain dogs are the only ones who can be safe playmates and intelligent companions while looking so serene and beautiful at the same time. Catching a glimpse of them from a distance, one can’t help but be mesmerized by their gentleness and radiant beauty. To know that they nearly faced extinction, we can only be thankful to those breeders who braved on rescuing them then.

The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America (BMDCA) was founded in 1968 for the advancement of the Bernese Mountain Dog. The BMDCA is the parent breed club for the Bernese Mountain Dog and is a member of the American Kennel Club. The BMDCA has many Regional Bernese Mountain Dog Clubs that create a network of support for Bernese Mountain Dog owners.

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