Category Puppies

How To Teach Your Puppy Great Tricks


When your puppy has learned some of the basic training needs, you can then teach your puppy great tricks. For example, put the puppy in a Sit-Stay, back off a foot or two, show him a soft toy and toss…

How To Use Commands Your Dog Can Understand

dog training

A dog or a puppy absolutely thrives on consistency. This is true all the way from finding and sticking to the right kibble to deciding what is and what isn’t acceptable behavior. Consistency makes a pup very, very much happier…

How To Teach Your Puppy to Stop Biting

puppy biting

If your puppy is younger than 16 weeks and are constantly nipping, it’s normal behavior – young puppies mouth a lot. They mouth when playing; they also mouth to communicate their needs. If your puppy starts mouthing, ask yourself these…